The creative team asked me to direct the content films for this quite brilliant idea; an on-pack promotion where the top prize was a person. The 6 winners would get the use of the Frijj ‘work experience guy’ for a whole day. They could do whatever they wanted with him, within reason.
I was also asked to film a ‘fake marketing meeting’ where the idea was supposedly conceived. I wasn’t so keen on that because marketing meetings just don’t get filmed. I suggested we change it a video conference call to make it more credible. We wrote the out-line for the script, then I voiced the part of the Marketing Manger and ad-libbed it with the main actor until we got everything needed in one take.
The films below are the results of the day ‘Warren’ spent with 3 of the winners. He really was our work experience guy but his name was actually Grant but ‘Win Grant’, just hasn’t got the same ring to it.